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Aesthetic Surgery Blog

Eyelid Lift Rochester

Published on August 3, 2019

The tender, delicate skin around our eyes is often one of the first places people notice those unwanted signs of aging such as lines, creases, wrinkles, puffiness, and sagging. In advanced cases, upper eyelid sagging can even begin to hinder

Arm Lift Rochester

Published on July 20, 2019

The Arm Lift procedure, also known as Brachioplasty, is a body contouring procedure performed to improve the appearance of the upper arms. The upper arms are a common area for people to struggle with as they get older, particularly if

Brow Lift Rochester

Published on July 7, 2019

The Brow Lift is a popular facial rejuvenation procedure that is performed to rejuvenate the appearance of the forehead when signs of aging have started setting in. For many people the first area we notice those unwanted signs of aging

Kybella Rochester

Published on June 29, 2019

Kybella is a ground-breaking non-surgical procedure performed to reduce the appearance of a double chin. Kybella is administer via injection in about 15 to 20 minutes. This FDA approved treatment uses a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid and is a

Body Lift Rochester

Published on June 13, 2019

The Body Lift  procedure is most commonly performed following a significant weight loss through natural diet and exercise or following a bariatric surgery. The Body Lift procedure may be performed on one more more areas of the body to remove

Facelift Rochester

Published on May 21, 2019

The Facelift surgery, also called rhytidectomy, is a procedure performed to rejuvenate the face and reverse common, unwanted signs of aging such as wrinkles, creases, sagging skin and an overall run-down appearance. These signs of aging happen to all of us eventually, but for

Blepharoplasty Rochester

Published on May 7, 2019

The Blepharoplasty procedure, also called an Eyelid Lift, is performed to reverse some of the signs of aging that can occur in the delicate skin around the eyes. Our upper and lower eyelids can develop lines, creases, wrinkles, sagging and puffiness that

Breast Lift Rochester

Published on April 23, 2019

Breast Lift surgery is performed to lift the breasts to a more youthful position when they have begun to sag. Many women feel self-conscious about their breasts when drooping sets in as they get older, or after weight fluctuations or pregnancy

Mommy Makeover Rochester

Published on April 13, 2019

Mommy Makeover‘s are performed to improve the areas of the body most impacted throughout the pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding journey. For many women this life-changing journey to motherhood is one of the most fulfilling parts of life, but that doesn’t


Published on November 23, 2016

Welcome to Jacobson Plastic Surgery