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The Rhytidectomy Recovery Process

Published on April 7, 2020

A rhytidectomy, or traditional facelift, is a cosmetic procedure that works to eliminate folds and wrinkles around your eyes, neck, chin, and face. It is safe, effective, and minimally invasive. If you are about to get a facelift and want to know what the recovery associated with the procedure is like, continue reading.

Day of the Surgery

• After the procedure, you need to rest for the day. You can stay overnight at the hospital or return home, but ensure that you have someone to assist you.

• Your face will be bandaged, and small tubes may be placed to drain excess fluid.

• You might feel tired once you wake up due to the effects of the anesthesia. This is common, and you will feel normal within a few hours. Keep your head elevated; this reduces swelling.

First Week

• Bruising and swelling might still be present, but these fade away quickly within the next few days.

• You can move around but need to restrict yourself to light activities such as reading, watching TV, and small household chores.

• Tingling, itching, and numbness are also experienced during this time. These are symptoms of healing.

2-3 Weeks

• You should still avoid indulging in strenuous activities. Talk to your doctor about whether you can return to work after two weeks.

• Swelling and bruising fully subside, and by the end of the third week, you should see significant improvement in your face.

One Month Post Procedure

• Make sure to avoid direct sunlight until the tissues are fully healed.

• You can resume your routine activities without any issues.

Full results can be seen over the following months.