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Brachioplasty Rochester

Published on October 29, 2019

The surgical technique used in Brachioplasty, also called an Arm Lift, depends on each patient’s needs, and if they are having the procedure done in conjunction with another procedure, as well as their plastic surgeon’s preference. Speaking of plastic surgeons, the most important part of undergoing any cosmetic procedure is finding the right plastic surgeon to perform the procedure. Brachioplasty, like any surgical procedure, has risks that should be understood and carefully considered.

The brachioplasty procedure is performed to reduce the amount of excess skin in the upper arms. Sometimes stubborn pockets of fat are also removed from the arms when liposuction is combined with the brachioplasty procedure. If you are interested in learning more about brachioplasty, contact our office to schedule your consultation today.

During your consultation with the plastic surgeon you will be examined and asked about your goals, your concerns and your medical history. The more information you can give the better and easier it will be for your plastic surgeon to understand what you want, if it is attainable and how to go about achieving it. Once your plastic surgeon has established you as a good candidate for the procedure they will talk to you about the best procedure plan to achieve the results you desire.