Simplicity is the ultimate Sophistication

  • Simplicity

    is the ultimate


  • Look Great, Feel Great

  • When life

    Gives you


“I thank you very much for your skill, and reassurance, and your caring”

Published on December 2, 2016

Dear Dr. Jacobson,

It is hard to put into words my gratitude for your kindness, your skill, and for giving up a Sunday afternoon to help me. I have to tell you that I saw Dr. Julia Files at Mayo Scottsdale and she saw your handiwork and truly exclaimed “Who was your surgeon, these are the best breasts I’ve seen, and I’ve seen a lot, if I ever need an operation, I want him!”

So now I’m feeling secretly smug about what is under my shirt! And I thank you very much for your skill, and reassurance, and your caring.
