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Brow Lift
Conveniently located to serve Rochester

When it comes to facial rejuvenation, a brow lift, also known as a forehead lift, can help give your face a more youthful appearance. At Jacobson Plastic Surgery, we offer several brow lift options for Rochester and Plymouth patients.

Am I a Good Candidate for a Brow Lift?

Aging causes unsightly wrinkle lines to appear on the forehead, along with frown lines between the brows that can make us look serious or even angry. Aging may cause the eyebrows to droop, hooding our upper eyelids and making us look tired. If these signs of aging are issues that you are bothered by, a brow lift may be right for you. In addition, you may be a good candidate for brow lift surgery if you are healthy, a non-smoker, and have realistic goals.

Your Brow Lift Consultation

A brow lift consultation involves an honest conversation about your appearance goals, in addition to reviewing your medical history and lifestyle habits to confirm if your overall health is eligible for a brow lift procedure.

The Procedure

A brow lift is an outpatient procedure. It can be combined with other procedures, such as eyelid surgery or a facelift. During the procedure, either intravenous sedation or general anesthesia will be administered.

Dr. Jacobson will make incisions in the targeted area and perform the desired procedure, and the incision areas will be closed by sutures or stitches. The effects of a brow lift are long-lasting, and you can expect to enjoy the effects of your brow lift for many years to come.

Things to Keep in Mind

To promote and maximize healing, you must stop smoking, or any variation of nicotine, for 6 weeks prior to surgery and at least 4 weeks following the procedure. Alcohol consumption should be minimal leading up to the procedure and should not be considered the night before the procedure. The team will also discuss a plan for taking your regular medications pre- and post-operatively.

Brow Lift Recovery

After your operation, Dr. Jacobson will let you know how you should take care of the incision sites. The forehead will be covered to help aid the recovery process. Pain medication will be prescribed. It is recommended to sleep in a recliner or elevate your head using several pillows for a few days, post-operatively, to reduce inflammation potential.

The day following your procedure, you are able to perform functional activities of daily living. The team will let you know when you can resume all normal activities again. You may shower 48 hours after surgery. The sutures and stitches can be removed within ten days of surgery at your post-operative appointment.

How Much Does a Brow Lift Cost?

The total cost of a brow lift surgery will depend on the amount of surgery required to lift the brows. Our team will provide cost, payment, and financing options.

Schedule a Consultation

If you are bothered by the wrinkled or drooping appearance of your brow and forehead, contact Jacobson Plastic Surgery to schedule a consultation for your brow lift in our Rochester or Plymouth locations. Dr. Jacobson is a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in facial rejuvenation procedures.

Excellent patient information and care. Extremely easy to work with and very responsive to questions and concerns. Perfect outcome from surgery, just as I had hoped for. Very knowledgeable and willing to talk about possible procedures and outcomes.
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